Friday 25 September 2015

Everything Is Under Control


Life is such that, what you aim is not what you achieve. But what you have right now is enough to serve as your tools to achieve your wonderful thoughts.

I have listen and read a lot of life stories of 'now' Prominent peoples. But all their stories seems the same. What are your problems? How big they seems?

# success without challenge has no foundation .

Your problems may seem too much, but my friend they are just speed limits to prevent and direct you from crashing. Whenever your visioned door closes do not give the unforeseen ones are ready to be reviewed.
You may be worried about the scars on your body. but have you ever imagine what the fashionable clothes you see on the people we call achievers are covering ?
Do not be scared of what you are going through now. Just see them as activators to your success.

#Nothing is easy in this world but through Something, nothing is difficult.
